Deploy the blog to Github Pages

zhuzilin APR 4, 2021

After the first post, we already have a blog that runs on the local machine. Now, let's deploy it to Github Pages!

Change to static adapter

Adapters in SvelteKit are small plugins for building apps on specific platform. The default adapter of a SvelteKit app is adapter-node, which runs the app with a simple Node server. To host the app to Github Pages, we need to convert the app to static files with adapter-static.

npm i -D @sveltejs/adapter-static

And change the adapter part of svelte.config.js to:

import static_adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';


//adapter: node(),
adapter: static_adapter(),

By the time on this post, there is some error with the default installed @sveltejs/adapter-static, you may encounter error like:

config.kit.adapter should be an object with an "adapt" method.
Error: config.kit.adapter should be an object with an "adapt" method.

Before the Svelte team update the package, we could manually overwrite the index.js file in node_modules/@sveltejs/adapter-static with the latest version in the repo.

Use gh-pages to deploy

After setting the static adapter, run:

npm run build

to build the app. The building result is stored in build folder. Then we could use the gh-pages library to deploy the app.

npm i -D gh-pages

And add a deploy command in package.json as

"deploy": "npm run build && npx gh-pages -d build"

Before running deploy, we need to upload the app to Github as a new repository. Afterall, you could not have a Github Pages blog without a Github repo. If you have never uploaded any code to Github before, going through the Getting started pages in official Github doc is a good idea.

After creating a corresponding repo (in my case svelteland/svelte-kit-blog-demo), we could run the deploy command:

npm run deploy

The gh-pages library will post the files in .svelte-kit/static/build folder to a new remote branch -- gh-pages, where Github Pages will look for static contents to host. The root url of the hosted app is if your app is xxx/yyy. In my case, the address is

Are we all set? Unfortunately, we are not... The hosted app does not work. All the CSS and JavaScripts are missing and the routing is a mess. The reason for those is that the root for a Github Pages is, as we just mentioned,, instead of Therefore we need to configure the relative directory, so that when looking for a.css, the app knows we actually need but not

Apart from that, lots of CSS and js files are in .svelte-kit/static/build/_app folder. However, the folder starts with underscore are ignored by Github Pages because of Jekyll. We need to disable Jekyll by updating the 2 command below in package.json:

"build": "rm -rf build && svelte-kit build && touch .svelte-kit/static/build/.nojekyll",
"deploy": "npm run build && npx gh-pages -d .svelte-kit/static/build -t true"

where the -t true flag in deploy is to make the gh-pages upload files starts with dot.

Set relative path

First we need to set the paths.base and paths.assets config in svelte.config.js to the relative path. In my case, it is:

// Comment the paths if wants to run in dev mode.
paths: {
  base: '/svelte-kit-blog-demo',
  assets: '/svelte-kit-blog-demo'

Then, we should update the directory or href in our component or javascript files with paths.base. For example, in the Nav component, we need to update the href in a:

<!-- lib/Nav.svelte -->
  import { base } from '$app/paths';

    <a href="{base}/"><h3 class="home">HOME</h3></a>
    <a href="{base}/about"><h3 class="about">about</h3></a>

Or in index.svelte, we need to update the json to load:

  import { base } from '$app/paths';

  export async function load({ fetch }) {
    const posts = await fetch(`${base}/index.json`)
        .then((r) => r.json());
    return {
      props: { posts }

After configuring these paths, rerun npm run deploy, you could see your app running correctly!

P.S. Don't forget to clean the browser cache after the new deploy.